Call for Paper
- Call for Paper
- TOPICS: The conference is soliciting state-of-the-art research papers in the following areas of interest:
- 1. Advanced Engineering Materials
- (1) Advanced Construction Materials
- (2) Biomaterials
- (3) Building Materials
- (4) Ceramic
- (5) Chemical Materials
- (6) Composites
- (7) Computer Aided Design of Materials
- (8) Earthquake Resistant Structures, Materials and Design
- (9) Energy Materials
- (10) Environmental Catalysis and Environmental Friendly Materials
- (11) High Performance Elastomers & Polymers
- (12) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Science, Engineering & Technology
- (13) Iron and Steel
- (14) Material Processing
- (15) Materials Testing and Evaluation
- (16) Metal alloy Materials
- (17) Micro / Nano Materials
- (18) Microwave Processing of Materials
- (19) New Energy Materials
- (20) New Functional Materials
- (21) Optical/Electronic/Magnetic Materials
- (22) Process Modeling, Analysis and Simulation
- (23) Seismic Materials
- (24) Smart/Intelligent Materials/Intelligent Systems
- (25) Surface Engineering / Coatings Technology
- (26) Textile Materials
- (27) Thin Films
- (28) Welding and Mechanical Connections
- 2. Materials Processing Technology
- (29) Absorption Materials
- (30) Adsorption and diffusion in Nanoporous Materials
- (31) Alloy and Composite Materials
- (32) Amorphous and Crystalline Materials
- (33) Amorphous magnetic Materials
- (34) Amorphous vs Crystalline Polymers
- (35) Applications of Biomaterials Materials science
- (36) Biomimetic (Assembly)
- (37) Catalytic Ceramic
- (38) Chemical Synthesis
- (39) Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) (Deposition)
- (40) Colloid and Materials Science
- (41) Composite Materials Science and Applications
- (42) Conductivity of materials
- (43) Corrosion Resistant Materials
- (44) Crystal growth
- (45) Crystallographic structure
- (46) Defects in Crystals
- (47) Diamond Mmaterials Technology
- (48) Diffusion Bonding of Materials
- (49) Dislocations and Mechanical Behaviour of Materials
- (50) Dopant
- (51) Dynamic Analysis of Processing
- (52) Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, Optimization and Control
- (53) Elastic Properties
- (54) Electrodeposition - the Materials Science of Coatings and Substrates
- (55) Electronic Material
- (56) Energy Generation
- (57) Energy Storage
- (58) Laser Processing Technology
- (59) Material Design of Computer Aided
- (60) Material Physics & Chemistry
- (61) Materials Devices and Nanotechnology
- (62) Materials for Adhesion Bonding
- (63) Materials Forming
- (64) Materials Machining
- (65) Mechanical Behavior & Fracture
- (66) Microwave Processing of Materials
- (67) Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
- (68) Molecular beam epitaxy (mbe)
- (69) Morphology Material
- (70) Nanoindentation Material
- (71) Nanostructure
- (72) Nitride
- (73) Nucleation & growth
- (74) Optical Material
- (75) Optical properties
- (76) Optoelectronic
- (77) Organic Material
- (78) Oxidation
- (79) Piezoelectric
- (80) Polymer
- (81) Porosity
- (82) Precision Manufacturing Technology and Measurements
- (83) Radiation effects
- (84) Stress/strain relationship
- (85) Structural
- (86) Surface Chemistry Thermal
- (87) Surface Engineering/Coatings
- (88) Theory and Application of Friction and Wear
- (89) Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications
- (90) Thermoelectric
- (91) Tooling Testing and Evaluation of Materials
- (92) Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
- (93) Waste Management
- (94) Welding & Joining
- (95) X-ray diffraction (xrd)